As we travel through life, we continually learn lessons from the people and experiences we engage in. Bill Nye is quoted as saying, "Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't." As we interact with each other, we can remember that we each have unique experiences. God has placed these people and experiences in our lives for a reason.
We can always learn more. We can learn more about God and we can learn more from God. As we face different experiences or interact with different people, we can turn to God to help us understand and know how to act or react. God can give us the guidance that we need, but we need to be open to hearing and heeding His instruction. We know that we can trust Him and we know that He has lessons for us, but we need to be ready and willing to listen and learn!
God will give instruction, but you need to be ready and willing to learn!
Dear God-
Thank You for guiding me and teaching me. Help me to learn what You intend me to learn. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.