While recently developing lessons for new science standards, I was talking with another teacher. We talked about how learning requires experiences. We, as teachers, could talk and talk, but without meaningful experiences, our students will take longer to learn. We are all students in life and God is ready to teach us, both by telling and through providing experiences to help us grow!
God, as our Teacher, has provided us with His Word. This set of instructions provides us with examples and lessons from which we can learn. However, God is also active in providing us experiences that help us to learn and grow. Through all that we face, God is ready and able to teach us. If we are willing to read God's Word, listen to Him, and reflect on the experiences He provides, we continue to learn and grow in the ways of the Lord!
God is ready to teach you, just listen and learn from His Word and the experiences He provides!
Dear God-
Thank You for teaching me. Help me to learn from Your Word and from the experiences in my life. Through Jesus I pray, amen.