Life is full of things that try to influence or lead us. Advertisements appear in all different forms and continually bombard us. We can allow these ads to lead us, but we will likely end up wanting more and more. Instead of being lured in by flashy, catchy colors, catch phrases, and promises, we can turn to the only One that can offer contentment in our lives!
Instead of subscribing to the various products and ways of thinking sold in many popular advertisements, we can choose to follow God. He is our caring Shepherd. God wants what is best for each and every one of us. We do not need to compete with each other for happiness and contentment. We do not need to "keep up with the Joneses" to acquire things for happiness. To find love, comfort, and contentment, we just need to let God lead us! He will lead us to places that allow us to be content and refreshed. God is our loving Lord. We need to trust that He will lead us and help us to be content as His children!
Find contentment by letting God lead you!
Dear God-
Thank You for being ready and willing to lead me through life. Help me to let go and allow You to show me the way to contentment and happiness in You. Through Jesus I pray, amen.