Rivers are usually powerful forces. The movement of water can wear away rock and alter the landscape. The movement of water can even work against the formation of ice. However, the recent cold temperatures followed by warmer, rainy days have created ice jams that have impeded the normal flow of local rivers. When the flow is impeded, the consequences can be destructive!
Sometimes, we make choices that impede the flow of God's living water. When we go against God's will, we open ourselves up to consequences that can damage our lives. Instead of creating jams in our lives, we need to choose to believe in and follow God. As we seek His will, His living water will flow from us. God's living water can then create opportunities for us and for those around us. We can allow His river of love and forgiveness to change lives for good!
Follow God and allow His river of living water flow from you!
Dear God-
Thank You for all that You do in my life. Help me to know and follow Your will, so Your living water can flow from me and make a positive impact in the world. Through Jesus I pray, amen.