There seems to be a lot of discontent over the fact that there is not total agreement between different people. It seems that we often look for 100% agreement. Whether in the country, our work, our families, or even our churches, we do not always agree with everyone, but we can find common ground!
We can find common ground by looking to God and the following the example set by Jesus. He shows us love. He shows endurance and encouragement. When we model our lives after that of Jesus Christ, we can also encourage and love each other. We can learn to show an attitude that is rooted in God's love. We can be encouraging of each other when we strive to have a mind and actions like Jesus!
Try to be like-minded with Jesus and show God's love to others!
Dear God-
Thank You for the example of Jesus Christ. Help me to model my life after Jesus so I can be encouraging and showing Your love to others. Through Jesus I pray, amen.