In the book of Mark (9:7), Jesus is transfigured in front of Peter, James, and John. During this particular excursion with Jesus, Peter, James, and John heard words that had unmistakable meaning. It may be hard for us to envision the experience, but the words spoken to them are applicable to our lives as well. Jesus is God's beloved Son and He has much to teach us, as long as we are willing to listen!
Spend time with the Bible and the words of our Savior, Jesus Christ, then listen up! Read His words. Study His words. Listen to His words. Apply what He teaches to your life.
Dear God-
Thank You for giving me the Bible so that I can read and hear Your word and the words of Your Son. Help me to listen and understand what I read and hear. Help me to apply the teachings to my life so that I can draw near to You and glorify You. Through Your Son, my Savior, Jesus, amen.