In our lives we may experience disagreements and differences of opinion with others. When faced with differences, we can choose to respond with anger or with an attempt at understanding. Even if we have been wronged, we can repond with forgiveness and peace. As Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy is quoted as saying, "Let us forgive each other - only then will we live in peace."
God chose to send His Son to save us from sin. As we are redeemed through Jesus Christ, we should make efforts to model our lives after His. We can try to live in peace. Living in peace may begin with forgiving each other. In forgiving each other, we can show love and compassion. We can value each other and we can become stronger together. Through forgiving others, showing love, and living in peace, we can model our lives after our Savior, Jesus Christ, and we can build a stronger family of God!
Live in peace through forgiving others, showing love, and being part of God's eternal family!
Dear God-
Thank You for the forgiveness that You have granted me. Help me to forgive others and to always live in Your peace. Through Jesus I pray, amen.