I was recently reading a brief biographer of an educator that is involved in work for equity. The individual discussed having a relationship with Jesus while growing up only to begin to fall away from his beliefs during his time in college. He drifted away as he viewed the injustices suffered by people throughout the world and felt a lack of action from the Christian community.
Although the educator moved away from his religious beliefs for a time, he eventually became reintroduced to the message of Jesus. He met a pastor that was determined to be an advocate for those that suffered. In this pastor, the educator saw a voice of the message that Jesus both preached and lived. He began to understand the need to act on God's love. As Jesus reminded us, when we choose to follow Him, we need to choose to love one another. We need to put our love into action!
Follow Jesus and choose to put love into action to help those around you!
Dear God-
Thank You for sharing Your Son and Your love with me. Help me to put love into action so that others can see You! Through Jesus I pray, amen.