We know that we are not perfect and neither is the world in which we live. We may try different things to improve the world around us, but we will not find success without love. If we want to take away fear and move toward a more perfect world, we need to start by truly loving and expressing love of God and each other!
We live in a world that is broken because of sin, but we do not have to remain in the shackles of sin. We can choose to overcome the sin in our lives and the world around us. To begin, we can accept that God loves us and we can acknowledge that Jesus Christ, His Son, is our Savior. By accepting Jesus and living a redeemed life through Him, we can know God's love, we can be made perfect in His sight. Filled with this love, we can share it with others, driving out fear and driving toward more perfect relationships with God and each other!
Accept God's love and then share it with others to help drive out fear and make perfect relationships!
Dear God-
Thank You for Your love and for Your Son. Please fill me with Your love and allow me to share it so others can be made perfect through Your redemptive plan. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.