What are words without actions? Words without action to back them up are often meaningless. We can say many things, but if we are not willing to live these words in our actions, why should anyone believe them? This same thinking can apply to more than just the words we speak, it can also apply to the words of our faith found in God's Word!
When we choose to follow God, we choose to become doers. We are to study His Word and then act on it. If we say we are followers of God, but do not act on His calling in our lives, then our words lack meaning. Others around us will doubt our true intentions if we speak but do not act. To allow others to truly see the power of God in our lives, we need to study His Word, become closer to Him, and put the lessons we learn from God into action!
Don't let your words be meaningless, but them up with actions as you are called by God!
Dear God-
Thank You for all that You do in my life. Help me to learn from Your Word and to act on what You teach me so others can see Your power in my life. Through Jesus I pray, amen.