-Psalm 19:14 (NASB)
Whether during devotional time, prayer time, or moving about our normal routine each day, we should remember to let all of our words and actions be acceptable in God's sight. We need to think before speaking and acting. Each word we speak and action that we perform reflect what is in our hearts.
As we grow closer to God we can be assured that God is constant. God is our rock, He will not change from yesterday to today to tomorrow. As we meditate on and study God's word, we can work to purify our thoughts, words, and actions.
God loves us and knows that we are not perfect. Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, we can speak or act without thinking. Fortunately, when we make mistakes God will forgive us. Still, we need to work on making sure our words and actions are acceptable in God's sight.
Talk to God. Study His word. Pray and ask for His help so that you can be a positive witness...not just on Sundays, but everyday!
Dear God-
Thank You for being my rock and my Redeemer. I ask that you help all of my words, thoughts, and actions be acceptable in Your sight. Help me to be a positive witness for You in all I do. In Jesus' name, Amen.