In the story of Snow White, the queen asks the "magic mirror" who is the fairest in the land. Each time she asks, she expects to see the answer as her own reflection. When she gets a different answer, the trouble starts! We don't have a "magic mirror" in our lives, but we can see the reflection of what is in our hearts through the words and actions of our lives!
We can hear God's Word and we can experience miracles in our lives, but those things lack meaning until we put them into action in our lives. God calls us to be more than just "hearers" of His Word, we are to be doers! Our lives are to be filled with and focused on God. Our actions - where we invest our time, talents, and money - should be a clear reflection of the goodness that comes from God and fills our hearts. When others look at our lives or when we step back and reflect ourselves, we should see a reflection of God's love and joy in our hearts. We can be the mirrors that allow others to see God's active presence in our hearts and lives!
Allow your heart to be filled with God's love and joy so you are a reflection of Him!
Dear God-
Thank You for being a part of my life. Please fill my heart so my words and actions reflect Your love and joy. Through Jesus I pray, amen.