Just like God told Abram to move from his country and his family (Genesis 12:1-3), God sometimes leads us away from places. Some moves may be easy for us to make and some may be more difficult. We may not always know why we are being called to move, but He certainly has a plan for our lives.
Moves may cause us to undergo changes - just look at Abraham (Genesis 17:5)! As we are called to move, we should trust in God to guide us, provide for us, and bless us through all of the changes. In His time, He will make each of us great for the glory of His Kingdom.
Listen to God. Move when He asks. Allow Him to shape you. Accept His blessing and be great in order to expand His Kingdom!
Dear God-
Thank You for Your plan for my life. Thank You for placing me where I need to be so that I can help further Your kingdom. Continue to use me for Your purposes, which are greater than I could have imagined. Through Jesus I pray, amen.