There are times when we feel joy in our lives, even if we are nervous about the situation. I recently got to watch my daughter as she read a book she wrote to nearly 40 teachers. Although a little nervous, she was confident and did an excellent job. She was all smiles when she finished and so was I!
When we are nervous, we can still be confident. We know that our faith in God is not misplaced. He loves us and His love never fails. God is our guide and He will never abandon us. We can take a deep breath and then call on God to be with us each step of the way. We can face our fears with faith in God and be reassured by His eternal love and power!
Nerves can be OK, but call on God and have faith in His guidance and never-ending love!
Dear God-
Thank You for guiding me and loving me. Help me to always call on and trust in You. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.