It seems that, as humans, we often become entangled in trying to better ourselves by tearing others down. Sometimes we tear others down out of fear, but we don't have to make that choice. Novelist and playwright Frances Hodgson Burnett is quoted as saying, "You either build up or you tear down. You either keep in the light where you can see, or you stand in the dark and fight everything that comes near you, because you can't see and you think it's an enemy."
We have choices in our lives. We can choose to either build up or tear down, but we can also choose to live in the light or live in the darkness. When we are faced with these choices, we need to choose to live in God's light. He sent His Son into the world to bring light into a dark place. It is up to each of us to choose to follow and live in that light. Once we are in the light, we can focus on encouraging and building each other up. We can share God's love and encourage others to join God's family and in doing so build God's Kingdom now and for eternity!
Encourage each other up by sharing God's love and, in the process, building His Kingdom!
Dear God-
Thank You for showing me Your love. Help me to share Your love in order to encourage others and build Your Kingdom. Through Jesus, the Light, I pray, amen.