As people move up in the ranks at work or within an organization, if often seems as if they forget the realities of doing the job they once did. Adjustments to management positions or oversight of the jobs they once were doing, can lead to frustrations of those still doing the job. I have witnessed this as former classroom teachers become administrators or supervisors and forget the realities of classrooms full of diverse students. When we consider our Savior, we can be assured that Jesus remembers what it means to be one of us!
Jesus was sent by God to live as a human on earth. The temptations and trials of being human were experienced by Jesus. He was faced with physical, emotional, and mental challenges that are part of our life experiences. Even though Jesus is no longer on earth in human form, we can know that He has not forgotten what it means to be one of us! He is still active in our lives and He intercedes on our behalf with God. Jesus was sent to save us and He continues to understand all that we face. He knows what it is like to be one of us and He is ready to save us!
Jesus knows what it is like to be one of us and He has not forgotten!
Dear God-
Thank You for sending Your Son to earth. Thank You for His understanding of what it is like to be human. Through Him I pray, amen.