Most everyone likes nice things. We can cut corners in some things in our lives, but when it comes to certain things we have to have what we consider "the best." We may search for the best food, clothes, shoes, cars, or other things that interest us. While we can search for the best that the world may offer, we need to remember to keep our focus on what is most important!
One area of our lives that requires the best is our spiritual journeys and development. We want the best here and now, as well as the best for eternity. When we need the best, we know we can turn to God. In return, we should show God our gratitude and gratefulness. We should return our best to God! We shouldn't give Him our leftovers as offerings of gratitude and praise, but we should give Him the best of whatever we have. We should use our blessings from God to show our thankfulness and praise for all that we have in our lives!
Don't give God the leftovers in your life, give Him the best you have to offer!
Dear God-
Thank You for all of the blessings that You have provided in my life. Help me to always keep the focus on You and to give You the best that I have to offer. Through Jesus I pray, amen.