There are different things that can make each of us anxious. Each day we deal with troubles. Some troubles may be small. Others may be bigger and cause more anxiety. As I recently read, "No amount of regret can change the past. No amount of anxiety and worry can change the future." We need to find ways to get rid of anxiety and overcome troubles!
Whether dealing with small or large troubles and the anxiety that comes with them may be challenges in and of themselves. When facing these times, we have a way to overcome our troubles. It doesn't matter our age or how much energy we have. What matters is our belief and trust in Jesus Christ our Savior. When we invite Jesus into our hearts and into our lives, we have help in dealing with our anxiety and troubles. We can overcome sin and the anxiety or worry that comes with it by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior!
Get out of the troubles of sin by accepting Jesus Christ!
Dear God-
Thank You for sending Your Son to die for my sin. Help me to remember Him and to rid my heart of anxiety by trusting in You. Through Jesus, my Savior, I pray, amen.