One of the hardest things in our lives can be forgiving and moving forward. We can sometimes struggle to overcome hurt in our lives and move beyond the people we associate with the cause of that hurt. Even though it can be difficult, it is better when we follow the example set by God and forgive one another!
The weight of carrying a grudge or not forgiving others can cause stress that leads to other dilemmas. Even so, we may not be able to work through our feelings and end in forgiveness on our own. If we need help, we can call on God. We can look to His examples and allow Him to work in our hearts. As He works within us, we can learn to forgive and to be forgiven. We can learn to embrace God's love and redemption and then put them into practice in our lives. Through time, we can overcome and move beyond hurt to truly forgive and be forgiven!
You are forgiven! Accept God's forgiveness and allow Him to show you how to forgive others!
Dear God-
Thank You for forgiveness and redemption. Help me to learn to forgive as You have forgiven me. Through Jesus I pray, amen.