Technology has become a part of most of our lives. From radio and television to cell phones, computers, and GPS, we rely on technology to keep us informed and to guide us from place to place. Even if we don't completely understand how it all works, we put our faith in the ability of technology to enhance our lives or to make things easier. Some people find it easy to put faith in technology, but we cannot forget to continue building our faith in God!
When we rely on technology to guide us, we can allow it to be a reminder that faith in God can lead us to even greater results! Faith in God doesn't just guide us here and now, but it leads us to eternity with God in His glory! Like the technology that invades our lives, we may not understand how things are working "behind the scenes," but we can be encouraged by the outcomes that impact our lives. When we think it may be difficult to continue believing in or trusting Him, we can look for the small and large miracles from God that sustain us through all things. We just have to place our faith in Him!
Place your faith in God and allow Him to produce extraordinary results in your life!
Dear God-
Thank You for being a part of my life. Help me to continue to grow in my faith and allow me to recognize how You are continually working in my life. Through Jesus I pray, amen.