I was recently watching a television program where a storm was approaching and a group of townspeople in the shelter formed a prayer circle. One of the main characters resisted joining, but later, decided that he would return to God in prayer. While there are those that doubt the power of prayer, as followers of God, we should be devoted to talking to Him through prayer!
When we pray, we talk to God. We should always be talking to God, throughout our day and our lives. However, it is also good to devote some time to be alone with God in prayer, away from the distractions of our earthly lives. When we pray, we can ask God for guidance and strength. We can pray for forgiveness and redemption. We can also tell God how thankful we are and we can praise Him through prayer. When we choose to follow God, we should devote ourselves in prayer and be thankful for the opportunity to talk to our Creator!
Take time to pray, being watchful and thankful!
Dear God-
Thank You for allowing me to approach You through prayer. Help me to not only talk to You, but to also listen to You. Through Jesus I pray, amen.