Purity is a quality that is often sought after in our lives. We see advertisements for the purest water or the purest ingredients in our food. The clarity and color of a diamond can reveal its purity. Value is found in stores of pure gold and pure silver. While all of these things have value in their purity here and now, their value will not last forever!
The real value of purity comes from our redemption and purification. While we cannot purify our hearts on our own, we can look to God and ask Him to purify our hearts. We can have redemption through Jesus Christ. God and Jesus can help us renew our spirits and anchor them in both God, the Father, and Jesus, His Son. With God as our foundation, we can be reassured that we can face a changing world with a steadfast spirit. We can find the purity that we are searching for and we know that it will lead to eternity!
Anchor your spirit in God and allow Him to purify your heart!
Dear God-
Thank You for Your willingness to provide salvation and to purify my heart. Help me to always turn my heart to You for purification and direction. Through Jesus I pray, amen.