No matter what we do, there will be people that will disapprove and may be considered our enemies. They may try to intimidate or trap us with hatred, evil, and violence. When experiencing such action, we need to be in prayer to God. We also need to listen to the guidance that Jesus provides for us. Rather than acting out in retaliation using the same tactics as our enemies, we need to act out in love. It is only through God's love that we can be made whole and that peace can be restored. We may need to abandon our own egos and desires, but showing love, even for (especially for) our enemies, can allow God's love and power to be revealed!
Don't retaliate with hatred, evil, or violence. Retaliate with God's love!
Dear God-
Than You for allowing me to know and experience Your love. Help me to remember that I should always love my enemies and that through Your love You can work miracles! Through Jesus I pray, amen.