There are those days when we can sleep in...when we don't have to get up at a certain time or be anywhere in particular. We may look forward to those days, but sometimes our bodies aren't aware that we don't need to be up and we are awake at our regular time. Whenever we wake up, we should be ready to welcome God's light and praise His glory!
Each day that God gives us is a gift, an opportunity to praise Him and serve Him. We can wake up, we can be aware of God's presence, and we can rise. We can welcome God's light in our lives and then we can choose to reflect this light so that others, too, can see Him and praise Him. We can rise and shine for God as we share His love and His light for the world, then we can join with others as we praise Him!
Rise and shine and give God the glory!
Dear God-
Thank You for Your light in my life. Help me to reflect Your light and Your love so others can see You. All praise to You. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.