-Matthew 5:13-16 (NASB)
Jesus tells us that we are the salt and light of the earth (Matthew 5:13-16). We offer seasoning that can enhance the flavor of life for those around us. We can offer guidance as the light shining in the darkness. These are blessings, but they are also responsibilities. Just think: If a series of pictures in a children's book can stay in someone's memory and elicit emotions, then how large is the impact of a series of our actions on friends, family, students, coworkers, neighbors, or even strangers? Positive interactions (the salt) and actions (the light) rooted in God's love can touch people in ways we may never know or witness. As the salt, our role is not to overtake the "flavor" or talents of others, but to enhance the best gifts of those around us. As the light, we should not be blinding, but rather a model of God's love so His light can shine through us as a guide in the darkness.
God is the source of our saltiness and the fuel for our light. We need to remember that to maintain our saltiness and fuel reserves for our light, we must maintain our relationship with Him. With God's grace and blessing, our actions and interactions can form living story books for Him to the benefit of everyone we meet!
Dear God-
Thank You for Your willingness to have a relationship with me. I ask that You help me to use my unique gifts and talents to be a living story book that shows Your love and glory to all the people that I meet. Give me the wisdom to know how and when to be the salt and how and when to be the light. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.