Life is full of surprises and risks. We may hear that there are no sure things in life. I was reminded of this during a meeting of an organization where I volunteer. Decisions about the future needed to be made and there were two clear sides. One side viewed decisions based on the risks the organization would face, while the other side viewed the potential for growth that these decisions would offer.
When we consider life, both our physical and spiritual lives, we can be paralyzed by the both risks and possibilities for growth. We may be scared of change or the challenges that we face. Instead of being stuck facing what may feel like impossible decisions, we have another option. We can turn to God! God is our refuge and shield. He has made promises that we can be reassured He will keep. When we turn to God and put our hope in His promises, we may experience unpleasant situations, but our eternal well-being will be shielded and protected!
Be shielded by God and allow Him to protect your eternal well-being!
Dear God-
Thank You for protecting and reassuring me. Help me to always turn to You and rely on Your promises. Through Jesus I pray, amen.