Where I live we have gone from cold and windy days to overcast and rainy days. The dreary days can keep us inside and separate from the sun. A string of such days can cause us feel much like the days look outside. When we aren't able to spend time in the sun, we need to remember that it is out there and will return!
Sometimes we have times in our lives that are dreary and seem to be keeping us from warmer, happier moments. While these times may seem to drag on and last longer than we would like, God is always with us. He can shine in our lives. In every moment of our lives, we need to embrace His love so that we can both feel His face shining on us and through us. As we are supported in His love, we can offer hope and support to others. We can be of service to God and allow His love to save us and those around us!
Even if your days seem dreary, look to God, allow His love to shine on you and through you!
Dear God-
Please shine on me and help me to show Your love to others. Thank You for never leaving or forsaking me. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.