We can look around us and name any number of problems that we see in our own communities as well as throughout the world. Recognizing the problems we see is one step. However, we need to do more than acknowledge the problems we see. We need to be prepared for and take the steps to address the problems!
God has given us His Word to help us know His Truth and to see examples of how to live for Him. We can read His Word. We can talk to God. However, after reading and talking, we need to step into action. We can follow the example of many in the Bible, including Jesus Christ, as we go out into the world to spread God's love. We don't have to go it alone, because God is with us and will direct us, we just need to be willing to take the step from hearer to doer!
Talk to God, read His Word, and step into action!
Dear God-
Thank You for Your Word and examples of how to live for You. Help me to take the step from hearer to doer. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.