It seems that all around us, people are trying to stir up controversy, disagreement, distrust, and even hatred. There are times when we may get caught up in the controversy, but our focus should not be on making controversy. Instead of stirring up controversy and hatred, we should put our energy into following God and stirring up His love!
With God as our guide, we can engage in good works that reflect His love. As we come together to worship and work for Him, we can stir up love in one another. As we reach out as the body of Christ, we can allow others to see God's love and encourage them to join us as members of God's family. By focusing on God and encouraging one another, we can stir up love that allows His Kingdom to grow as others join Tod's family!
Stir up love, not controversy, by following God, doing good works, and sharing Him with others!
Dear God-
Thank You for Your love in my life. Help me to share this love with others so they can become members of Your family, too. Through Jesus I pray, amen.