There are times when I stumble or trip, usually because I'm not paying attention to where I am going. Whether physically or spiritually, there are times we may stumble because we are not paying attention. As Eric Bibb says, "You might slip, you might slide. You might stumble and fail by the roadside. But don't you ever let nobody drag your spirit down. Remember you're walking up to heaven, don't let nobody turn you around."
God knows that all of us will stumble, but He doesn't want us to fall. God has prepared a plan for each and every one of us. Even though none of us are capable of perfection, we can find support through the redeeming sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We will sin, but our sin doesn't have to be a death sentence. If we turn to God, He will pick us up and save us, even when we may stumble!
You may stumble, but you won't to fall if you are focused on God!
Dear God-
Thank You for saving me when I stumble. Please help me to always trust in You. Through Jesus I pray, amen.