A friend recently shared a video where the presenter was speaking about caring for the environment. However, caring for the environment wasn't limited or even focused on caring for plants and animals. The speaker presented her argument that caring for the environment as an issue of social justice to help people live healthier lives. It is an issue that requires all of us to care for all of God's creation!
Everything in the earth was made by and belongs to God. We have a calling to be stewards of His creation. While we can use the resources of the environment, God does not want us to abuse His creation, especially at the expense of our fellow human beings. God wants justice and He expects us, as His followers, to fight for what is just and right. When we take care of God's creation and all who live in it, we are following God's call for justice and stewardship!
Take care of the environment and all who live in it!
Dear God-
Thank You for all that You have made. Help me to protect Your creation and seek justice for all that live in this world. Through Jesus I pray, amen.