I remember my driver education instructor's advice to look and focus on where you want to drive, then go there. Sometimes in life, we allow our focus to drift away from where we want to be. Instead of focusing on the positive, on God's presence and power, we focus on the lies of the world.
When we choose to follow God, we need to trust in His power and wisdom. We can trust that He can help us overcome lies and challenges of this world. Instead of being pulled down or distracted by the evil of the world, we can look to where we want to be. We can keep our eyes on God, on what is true, and then follow Him and His plan for our lives. As we think about such things, we can take the steps to where we want to go - growing God's Kingdom on earth and spending eternity with Him!
Think positive: Look to where you want to go - to God - and then follow Him!
Dear God-
Thank You for giving me good things to look at and forward to in this life. Help me to keep my eyes on You and continue to move forward for Your Kingdom. Through Jesus I pray, amen.