The precision of God's word is better than the best surgeon with the sharpest scalpel. God can divide our soul and spirit. He always knows the intentions of our heart. Even if we think we can fool those around us, we can't hide our intentions from God. As we continually strive to live better, more Godly lives, we need to begin by looking at our hearts. God's word is active and can impact our lives. We need to look at our thoughts and intentions before we speak or act. We need to talk to God and listen to His response. We need to be honest and truthful with God, with ourselves, and with all of those around us!
Talk to God and keep the thoughts and intentions of your heart in line with His will!
Dear God-
Thank You the love for me that you demonstrate in Your care for me and my soul. Help me to know and be honest about the intentions of my heart and help me to keep my intentions in line with Your will. Through Jesus I pray, amen.