As I get older, time seems to fly by quicker and quicker. The occasional day will seem to drag on, but before I know it a week, month, or even year is coming to an end. As time flies by, there always seems like there is more to do, but we need to focus on what is most important in our lives!
God should be first in our lives. We should wisely use the time He has given us. We need to talk to Him, listen to Him, and follow His will. As we follow God, we will learn our purpose, what is most important in our lives. We can then use the time, whether a hundred years or day, to accomplish all that we need to do for God in this world and for eternity!
Time flies, but if you follow God, He will make sure you accomplish your purpose!
Dear God-
Thank You for Your direction and will in my life. Help me to follow You and to accomplish Your plans in the time You have given. Through Jesus I pray, amen.