In a recent conversation with a friend at the nature center, we were discussing the availability of "stuff" around us. We accumulate things that we need and things that we want, but there comes a point when there is too much. When we think about de-cluttering our lives, we have to address what we do with excess. One thing we can do is use our extra to help others!
In our spiritual lives, God blesses us and gives us extra, too. God gives us forgiveness and love that can overflow from our souls. We can take God's love and share it with others. We can learn from God's forgiveness and apply it in our relationships with others. No matter how much or little we have in material things, we can all have an abundance of what really matters - God's love! We cannot have too much love if we choose to use it in ways that show others God's glory and presence in our lives!
You can't have too much love and forgiveness when you choose to always share it!
Dear God-
Thank You for the love and forgiveness that bless my life. Help me to take the love and forgiveness that You have shown me and show it to those around me. Through Jesus I pray, amen.