Over the past year and a half I have tried to exercise regularly to improve my health. When I exercise consistently, I feel better and can think better. As one of my favorite trainers, Sagi Kalev, says, "When we're fit, clean and healthy - from the inside out - that's when we're whole." Exercise is part of keeping ourselves healthy, but as Sagi says, wholeness begins from the inside out!
Physical exercise and training are ways to keep our bodies strong and healthy, ready to serve God. However, we also need to engage in spiritual exercise and training that will bring us closer to God. We can begin our transformation from the inside out. We can be made whole through God's redeeming grace and the sacrifice of His Son. Our training should not focus just on our bodies. It should include spending time in God's Word, in fellowship with God and other believers. When we focus on training in God, we can be sure that our results will be eternal!
Train in God's Word and prepare for eternal results!
Dear God-
Thank You for loving me, redeeming me, and building up my spirit. Help me to continue to train in Your Word so that I can prepare for eternal results. Through Jesus I pray, amen.