My daughter and I have been checking on a Bald Eagle cam to watch as the eagles have been incubating their eggs. The eagles warm and protect their eggs, so the eaglets can develop. We watched as even through a snowstorm, the parent, covered in snow, remained committed to protecting the egg. The commitment of the eagles may inspire awe and they may remind us that we have a Heavenly Father that keeps us under His wings, too!
God is our Father in Heaven and He wants what is best for us. He protects us. Sometimes we may not realize what is happening when He pulls us closer to Him, under His wings for protection, but we should be grateful for His protection. We can find refuge in Him, even through life's toughest storms. He can be fed and find spiritual nutrition through His Word. As we grow closer to Him, He will prepare us to spread our wings so we can spread His Good News. However, even when we feel confident, we can return to Him and ask for protection under His wing!
Allow God to pull you under His wing for protection, then praise His faithfulness!
Dear God-
Thank You for protecting me, even when I may not realize I need it. Help me to follow You, to hear Your voice, and to take refuge under Your wing. Through Jesus I pray, amen.