-Matthew 12:25 (NIV)
How can we be united in the face of the divisions surrounding us in society? We should look no further than the Bible and the story of Jesus' unifying love and sacrifice for each of us. Jesus came to Earth as God's love for us in human form. Jesus loves everyone!
The healing power of God's love can unite us within His Church. Once we are united as His Church, then we can spread this love to a divided society in order to heal and unite. This might seem like a daunting task, but, with God's guidance, we can begin taking the small steps in our lives that can grow into forces of love, healing, and unity.
Step out with faith in the power of God's love and be an agent for living as the united people of God!
Dear God-
Thank You for Your love and guidance. Please help me to overcome the divisions that creep into my life. Help me to rely on Your guidance and love to be an agent of change that heals and unites through Your love. Through Jesus, the demonstration of unending love, I pray, amen.