At a recent Christmas gathering someone said to me, "This is such a busy time of year. With so much going on, you just can't do everything!" It is true that this time of year is filled with parties, gatherings with family and friends, on top of decorating, baking, cleaning, and other preparations for our Christmas celebrations. While we may get caught up in the excitement and joy, we can't forget the true reason for celebrating!
As the Psalmist writes, we, too, should feel anticipation as we remember and celebrate the arrival of our Savior. We need to stop and take time to reflect on what Christmas is really about. We need to allow ourselves to wait for the coming of the Lord, our Savior. We can wait with our whole being - our bodies, minds, and souls. Beyond just waiting, we can appreciate and praise God for the hope and redemption of our Savior that arrived on earth as a baby those many years ago. Taking a break from the busy days and weeks, we can experience waiting and the joy and celebration that come from the arrival of Jesus Christ!
Take time this season to wait with your whole being and then celebrate the true reason for the season - the Savior Jesus Christ!
Dear God-
Thank You for sending Your Son to experience life on earth and then die for my sins. Help me to take time out of the hustle and bustle of the season to experience waiting and the joy that comes from the arrival of Jesus Christ. Through Him I pray, amen.