Sometimes we can think of life as a series of events that require give and take. We can swap and barter to get the things we need or want. We give of our time and resources with the hope that we will receive the things we want or need. When our life depends on things, we may be willing to give our whole world!
When we consider our souls and our eternal future, what would we be willing to pay or exchange for eternal glory? We don't have to give the whole world in order to save our souls and we don't have to give our souls to gain things in this world. We just have to follow the plan that God has provided. God will save our souls and He will bless us as long as we turn to Him, accept salvation through the sacrifice of His Son, and follow His plan for our lives. As followers of God, we can work to serve Him and accept the gifts that He has already given us!
You don't have to give the world for your soul, just accept the gifts God offers!
Dear God-
Thank You for the gift of Your Son and salvation that is offered through Him. Please bless me and the work that I do as I strive to follow Your will. Through Jesus I pray, amen.