There's a quote that says, "Look in the mirror; that is your competition." When we get ready to compete, even if it is with ourselves, we need to train. We can physically train, but we can also spiritually train. But it is not our training that will guarantee an eternal crown!
We should spiritually train in order to learn and follow God's will. We should study God's Word. We can pray to God and listen to His response. These things will help us run our earthly race and will help others see God through us. However, it is not these works that give us eternal life. We cannot "win" a place in God's eternal glory by competing with others. We can only be guaranteed eternal life through accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior. We can compete with ourselves to grow in our understanding and following of God's will as long as we begin with salvation through Jesus!
Compete with yourself to become better at following God's will and showing His glory to others!
Dear God-
Thank You for loving me and for allowing me to have eternal life. Help me to be better each day as I work to follow You. Through Jesus I pray, amen.