Social media has changed the ways we interact with each other. While some of us may still prefer face to face communication, much of what is said or communicated happens through our phones and computers and goes out to all of our "friends" or "followers." Like many things in life, we can use these new technologies for good or we can allow them to lead us away from our true purpose. We have to stop and think, "Who are we really following?"
We can allow social media to be a tool that keeps us in touch with others and even spreads the word about the good things in which we are involved. In any big situation, we need to be sure our influences and who we follow are reliable and trustworthy. We can do this by making sure we are following the One True Lord! He will go before us as He leads. He will also be beside us to help pick us up when we stumble. Through it all, He is the only one that will never leave or forsake us. It is by following Him that we can let go of fear and truly be loved and encouraged!
When considering who to follow, be sure that your first choice is the Lord!
Dear God-
Thank You for both leading me and walking with me. Help me to always turn to You first and to accept Your will and leadership in my life. Through Jesus I pray, amen.