We are all in different places in our spiritual journeys. Some of us may have started our journey years ago, while others may have only embarked on the journey in recent months, weeks, days, or even hours. Others may not yet have chosen to follow God. No matter where we are in our walks of faith, we need to remember that many times we only get one chance to impact a person's life. As we think about what we say and how we act, we should be reminded that all of God's children have value in His sight. Our words and actions should be guided by God's wisdom so we always have the right response.
Pray for God's guidance so your words and actions are the right ones for fulfilling God's purpose!
Dear God-
Thank You for those in my life that have said the right words to me. Help me to have the right words and actions in order to positively impact the lives around me. Through the power of Your Son, Jesus Christ, I pray, amen.